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Do somethig good for the Earth
Get notifications about environmental problems and information about many easy ways you can help the planet rightaway.
Download the App
You just need three components
The planet consists of water, ground and nature. Together they make our environment. Just choose what part you want to improve today!
Pure drop
Helps waters stay clean and fresh in all natural reservoirs
Mild leaf
Helps to make right decisions about all alive on Earth
Sleeping cloud
Helps soft clouds to stay pretty and nice in the blue sky
Sleeping cloud is for doing everything right
You might want not to drive that day. Ride a bicycle to work or take a nice walk. This will give you more activity and reduce CO2 emissions.
Good deeds every day
The App is created to support peace and balance of Nature. It will help you do simple acts of kindness: sort your wrappers, close the tap while cleaning teeth, etc.
Help the Earth every day with the App
Download the App
Leaf is for recency of thoughts
Pure some trees in a park or feed squirrels. The Earth will be thankful to you.
Switch between states
All your good deeds are saved in the App. Collect your karma stars and get stickers for your social networks.
So simple to be the part of the nature! Download the Application for free now.
Встреча у подъезда
Василиса, добрый вечер! Здравствуйте, меня зовут Ольга!(обращение к Татьяне) Я покажу Вам квартиру.
Здравствуйте, Ольга!
Пойдемте! (открываем дверь подъезда) Скажите, пожалуйста, Вы на метро или на автомобиле приехали? (в подъезде показывать нечего)
На метро.
Обратили внимание на магазин, садик, школу? (если Татьяна с детьми) Пока поднимаемся в двух словах расскажу об инфраструктуре в шаговой доступности. В 2-3 минутах хотьбы от дома есть 2 сетевых магазина (Магнит и Пятерочка), фитнес клуб, парикмахерская, аптека, поликлиника, ресторан, кафе, химчистка и остановка общественного транспорта, от которой можете доехать до метро.
А автомойка и заправка есть рядом, где она?
Рядом, на ул. Рябиновая есть АЗС Лукойл и там же атомойка. Татьяна, Василиса, проходите за мной, нам сюда.
iPhone app based on real film profiles
With it's streamlined workflow and state of the art filters born from real film, RNI Films is designed to do what only film can do just in a few taps.
Download the app
It is not a camera App, it is a film app
It comes free with plenty of free film profiles included. More films available via in-app purchase
No unwanted clutter, just you and your photos
One-handed experience even on big screens
Well organised
Real-film filters are grouped in categories by film types for your convenience
Quality on par with the latest tech
RNI Films offers desktop quality image rendering and output. This is to take full advantage of the latest iPhones – perhaps the best mobile cameras in the world.
Born from film
RNI Films' filters are created after real films and simulate look and feel of particular film brands. Very much like RNI Films for desktop, RNI's mobile filters are subtle, beautiful and true to their analog counterparts.
Simple and efficient
RNI Films UI is simple and efficient. It requires the absolute minimum of taps between opening a photo and sharing the desired result.
Born from film
RNI Films' filters are created after real films and simulate look and feel of particular film brands.